Natural leather

POLOLO relies primarily on Valonea tanning

Experts assume that vegetable leather tanning was used over 5.000 years ago - both by the advanced civilizations of the time (e.g. in Egypt) and by European natives (e.g. in the Alpine region).

POLOLO primarily relies on natural leather that has been tanned with Valonea

If you are looking for only the best for children, the environment and health, you should use raw materials and leather that have been known for thousands of years when making children's shoes: tanning leather was based on vegetable raw materials such as bark, wood, pods, leaves or roots the tried and tested method over many generations. Around 300 different plant species worldwide are used to produce tannins. POLOLO primarily relies on natural leather that has been tanned with Valonea - a type of oak that grows wild in Mediterranean countries. Such leather is characterized by strength and toughness as well as lightfastness.

The blog post:
“POLOLO uses natural leather” – lecture by Franziska Kuntze